My Quick as Thieves Marathon
For this years Quick as Thieves run, my aim is to guide Mick, one of the Achilles runners who is completely blind, to run a sub 4 hour marathon.
Micks story is not only incredible, but inspirational. He lost his vision completely at 36 to a disease called retinis pigmentosa. He told me that he spent many years in a pretty dark place, and this had a severe adverse affect on his health. He gained a lot of weigh.. However, a few years back he decided he had to make some serious life changes and joined the @achillesmelbourne run club, which is an incredible organisation that facilitates people with disabilities to be able to run/exercise. The first time Mick came to Achilles (3 years ago), I guided him and he was not able to run 2km.
However, he has stuck with it and has been incredibly dedicated over the last 3 years. He has shed a lot of his excess weight and completed a number of half marathons now. One day we were out running together, and I told him about Quick as Thieves, and he said that not only did he want to complete the full marathon, but he felt with the right training, he would like to do it in under 4 hours, which any marathon runner will tell you, is a pretty hard ask. Mick and I have been training together for months now and I really hope we can nail it on the big day.
As always, we will be raising money for the Fred Hollows Foundation, who not only work to restore eyesight for those blinded by cataracts disease for as little as $25 but also to improve the health of indigenous Australians. I would appreciate any support …
My Achievements

Fundraising page

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Raised $500 to help restore sight

Reached Goal

Increased Target
Thank you to my Sponsors

Toasted Toasties

Match Gift

Hatch Bali
Love from bali

Match Gift

Reuben Keeney
Go on the sham 🇮🇪🇮🇪

Matched Gift

Patrick Topping

Matched Gift

Patrice Baumel
Thank you for relentlessly making the world a better place.

Dicky Ivany
Legendary effort Mike

Match Gift

Luke Udorovic
Good luck from the Lucky Group family

Matched Gift

Ming Gan
Go Mike! Another awesome goal for the FHF this year. One day I will return to be part of this awesome charity run.

Matched Gift

Tam Nguyen
Well done Mike thanks for everything good luck today.

Match Gift

Poof Doof

Matched Gift

Paul Susie Ivany
Keep up the great work Mike You are a true legend X

Matched Gift

Team Jackmode

Purple Wall
Well done Mike! you are amazing xx


Matched Gift

George Skordos
Double Toner on the run this year .Amazing 😊

Matched Gift

Jay Ivany
Go mile!!

Matched Gift

Rodolfo Wehba
You rock bro. Wish I could join the marathon!

Match Gift

Tony Carter
Keep up the good work Mike.

Matched Gift

Warwick Clancy
Good luck with the run Mike!

Matched Gift

Dr Machine Pty Ltd

Matched Gift

Anney Mac
Keep up the Great Work Mike, especially getting Others to Join your Cause!(not mentioning any Names LOL)

Matched Gift

Fostered Events
Great work again legend! Big Love from Fostered Events

Matched Gift

Connor Williams

Match Gift

Cenk Uenues
Mike you have been a Legend on so many levels! What you are doing for your community is astonishing and wholesome. Glad to be a part of your life and being able to whiteness what you are creating. You deserve nothing but happiness Godspeed running and guiding the marathon !

Matched Gift

Eileen Scott
Purpose and inspiration created great leaders like you. Best of luck love from Ebony, Lily , Freya, dude and me x

Matched Gift

Van Do
What a LEGEND! Thanks for all that you are and all that you do! ❤️

Match Gift

Matthew Hryniuk (one Hit Agency)
For a great cause, well done Mike.

Matched Gift

Great work Mike!

Olly Davis
Yess mate

Matched Gift


Matched Gift

Brian Hendrie
Wish I could be there to help. Enjoy!

Matched Gift

Gareth Watters
Great work champ

Matched Gift

Martin Doorly
Thankyou for everything you do Mike this is awesome x

Matched Gift

Elena Brambilla

Matched Gift

Ben Mcavinue

Prue Watty
You're a champion, roomie ! <3

Match Gift

Matt Checken

Matched Gift

Michael Wstt

Matched Gift

James Ware
Run Forrest Run!

Matched Gift

Mike Toner

Shane Sullivan
Lovin' your work T! 🤞

Matched Gift

Pauric Mc Cormack
Best of luck. Great cause

Matched Gift

George Koulouris
Run Mike run

Matched Gift

Louise Toner
Best of luck and well done on all the organising! Hope the bump enjoys its first QAT run

Matched Gift

Ricky Cooper
Great stuff Mike

Daniel Stratton
Love your work mate!

Matched Gift

go on boy

Chris Bausor
Good luck in the run Mike!

Scott James
Love your work mate 💚❤️

Jon H

Matched Gift

Max Chapman
Well done mate keep up the good work 👏🏻

Gary Collins
Keep'er lit sham 💪

Matched Gift

Margaret Toner
Best of luck on the day Mike. Hope you raise your target. So so proud of the great work you and all your team are doing for the Fred Hallows Foundation.

Matched Gift

Good on you guys!

Matched Gift

Alex Cram
Kill it mate! 👏

Pete Lynagh
Good work Mike!

Matched Gift

Patrick Roberts
All the best, Mike and all the TAT runners! Great work as always.

Matched Gift

Finely Tuned

Matched Gift

Jakob Foote

You've got this. Great Inspo as always. Have a great run.

Matched Gift

Daniel Duit

Noel Sweeney
Good stuff Mike ! Job well done

Garry Mccartney
Keep her lit big man

Hannah Khan
Super proud of you and all your efforts! Lots of love, from me and Bub xxx

Matched Gift

Ben King
Good luck Mike - I know you'll smash it as always. This is a walk in the park compared to being a full time parent! x

Lynn Wright
Love your work Mike 👏💚🙌

Matched Gift

Bianca Tanase
Legend Mike xx love Trishna (or am I Krishna?)

Willie Bradley


Mark Blair

Matched Gift

Jason Cluff

Luke Bourke
Good luck mate

Matched Gift

Sandra Murphy

Match Gift

Emmet Toner
So proud of you sham

Matched Gift

William Duffy
Legend Mike

Matched Gift

Dylan Schofield
Good Luck with the run! #nodadbodsroundhere

Tomas Valencia
Eres una inspiración amigo mío. Gracias por lo que haces por la gente

Matched Donation

Kaine Brickle
Hey Bro, $25 from me & $25 from our old pal Donny...keep up the good work 👏

Michael Ivany
Fuck yeh bro!

Matched Gift

Chrissy Symeonakis
Always inspired by you and your big heart Mike!

Sam Mckenzie
All the best for the rest of the training bro!! Big love 🤞🏻⚡️🖤

Matched Gift

Matched Gift

Match Donation

Jennifer Doumas
Mike you are so inspiring! Congratulations to everyone involved with this successful event.


Matched Gift

Trent Grimes
You are a champ Mike!! Big love and best of luck with the run!!

Jordan Brando

Matched Gift

Moeed Vayani
Appreciate you heaps! 💚

Matched Gift

Tim Shelley

Match Gift

Tommi Anderson
Well done mate, the world needs more Mikes.

God bless you, Mike! ♡♡

Reuben Rivers-smith

Matched Gift

Perpetual Peaks
Keep up the great work Mike. Hope to make it over and join you for a run one day!



Jenna Campbell Campbell

Jorge Hernandez
Hola Hermano, soy el esposo de Bianca. Abrazo grande!

Christopher Mitchell

Jess Burns
Let’s go legend 🤞🏽💚

Matched Gift

Stockholm Syndrome
On ya mate!! World need more like you!

Matched Gift


Matched Gift

Danny Saddoo
As promised. Donation instead of a beer. Another amazing effort today Coach! Well done 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Match Gift

Jay Ivany

Louis Osbourne
Good luck boys!

Joseph Guest-knight
Love what you’re doing for the music scene and for the community fair play mate. Hopefully can do a run alongside ya one day mate. Appreciate the assistance you gave me! Lets grow this scene together as much as we can !!!!

Match Gift

Blake Lenny
Spewing I couldn't run this year, but wishing you all the best in your run!
It is a pleasure to donate the profits from our toastie operation at the quick as thieves event